Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Dear all,

I write this today from Hosur. It is in Tamil Nadu, along the highyway NH 27. Hosur is not known for much. The factories that call Hosur home, and the fact that it is the last town on this route in Tamil Nadu.

Why am I in Hosur and not passing through like everyone else? Well, in a sense I am passing through, but more on that in some other post. I work in one of the above mentioned factories. A big one, with close to 3000 people in my plant alone.

Most of them have been working in the same company for the last 20 years. They have made Hosur their home, and speak of it with pride. Great pride. Some say, that Bangalore steals the electricity from Hosur to make people think it is a bad place. And that if given Rs. 100 Crore, they would spend all of it on paper pins. But more ripped off lines in the next post.

6 days out of 7, I eat at a hole in a wall, or a thela on a side street. I look forward to Sundays only because it reminds me of college when I used to put off cleaning my room or taking a bath. I do both of those things almost every Sunday, but after wasting 2/3 of the day.

To be honest, I am bored. I've finished a long hard day of work. I've actually done something related to Engineering for the first time, and there is no one in my department cares enough to ask me not to use the internet (which is not allowed).

I haven't written anything for a while now. I miss writing. I miss rambling like this.

Hosur has done this to me.

Thankfully, I'm just passing through.